The Exemption essay discussed the concept of having an exemption from having to “pay” for
anything because there is no money of substance with which to “pay”. The exemption can also
be thought of as an accounting of what they government owes us for everything they have taken
from our parents and us without giving valuable consideration in return. That essay did not,
however, discuss how to use or access the exemption. This essay will discuss how one might be
able to use the exemption to discharge debt. The implications of discovering how to use the
exemption would be staggering. It would mean the ability to get out from under the debt that is
crushing so many people.
You could say that the current economic system has been set up for our benefit, to repay us as
the beneficiaries of the trust (The Exemption essay introduced the concept of the trust). Our goal
is to determine how to effectively use this system without destroying it.