Cause Yisrael to Stand is a national anthem that speaks to the identity, promise, and love for The Most High and His people.
The 1960s was revolutionary for Black people across the world. The '60s saw the Black Arts Movement, the Watts Riots, the assassination of Malcolm X, the Autobiography of Malcolm X, Black Dialogue, US Organization, the Black Panther Party, Black Guerrilla Family, Journal of Black Poetry, Kwanzaa, Operation CHAOS, Long hot summer of 1967, Detroit Riot of 1967, Cambridge Riot of 1967, and the Cairo Riot. But more than just the Black Power Movement birthed a revolution for one nation in particular.
Also during the Black Power Movement in the 1960s, The Most High revealed Himself to a lot of people in a lot of different ways. One person who experienced this revelation was Cohen Ha-Gadol Levi Ben Yisrael, a true servant and soldier of The Most High. Born on May 27, 1927, Levi Ben Yisrael was taught many important lessons of life including respect, dignity, manners, and most importantly, the love of The Most High.

His biography reads, "For the first 30 years of his life, Levi Ben Yisrael was a part of the world at large. He served in the United States Army; however, he did his true soldiering in the streets of New York City. Involved, as men will be, in the secular things of life, he commanded crowds and was respected as a leader among his peers. Levi was a member and leader of a street gang called the 7 Wise Men, where he governed over 2,000 cohorts. At the age of 31, Levi Ben Yisrael realized his true calling when all of his feelings of nationhood, pride, and alienation from America led him to be called by The Most High. He now understood that Yisrael was his name! His thirst for knowledge brought him to B'nai Adath Kol Beth Yisrael where he was introduced to his first teacher, Rabbi Yirmeyahu Ben Daniel Ben Levi Ben Yisrael. After the first lesson of Deuteronomy 28 and the book of Daniel, Levi was mesmerized. It was there that he began to realize he had a mission of his own. He became the Cantor of the Congregation and began to write and set to music, prayers, and psalms to the Creator. He began to excel and became widely known for his ability to decipher the Tanakh.

After seven years of worship at B'nai Adath, he branched out with Moreh Yosef Ben Ephraim and Bakbakkar Yehudah to start the world-renowned congregation of Hashbah Yisrael in 1965.

On February 24, 1966, Levi Yisrael was the first to register in the Hall of Records as an Israelite priest, thereby establishing himself as the first 'Cohen.' Besides his greatest accomplishment of establishing the Israelite Nation, Cohen Levi also wrote prayer and songbooks for the congregation which incorporated the use of drums into the weekly service. He was editor of an Israelite magazine called Truth, Unity, and Freedom (T.U.F.), and established the first Israelite school, The Israelite Institute."

Cause Yisrael to Stand was written between 1965-1967 at a time when our people were beginning to stand for themselves during the Black Power Movement.
The time of Black Power and the time of today parallel in many ways. Many injustices take place that encourage Black people to stand together in unity against police brutality, systemic racism, and other forms of discrimination. In today's time, we have recognized the importance of gathering as a nation under the covenant love of The Most High. The lyrics in Cause Yisrael to Stand speak to how we stand together today to seek our Father's face and come together as one. This song has become The United Nation of Yisrael National Anthem and will continue to ring in the minds and hearts of YAH's chosen.
Here are we, YAH,
Because of THY goodness, For our souls
We commit to THY hand, Help us, please.
For THOU promised our fathers,
THOU would once more Cause Yisrael to stand.
THOU would help us to stand In THY glorious name,
THOU would help us to stand and erase all our shame,
Send THY mercy and light forth,
Throughout all the land,
By the power of THY promise.
YAH cause Yisrael to stand.
We had thought that our
YAH had forgotten,
As we prayed in the enemy's land,
But HE sent forth the Angel courage,
So He gave us the spirit to stand.
Thou would help us to stand in THY glorious name,
THOU will help us to stand and erase all our shame,
Send THY mercy and light forth,
Throughout all the land,
By the power of THY promise,
YAH cause Yisrael to stand
Elder Morah Nizreeyah & Dejyah Yisrael contributed this article.
Special thanks to Celebration of Life of Cohen Ha-Gadol Levi Ben Yisrael
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YAHSHALOMALIECHEM family, it's a great day for me to have the opportunity to see and read about our brothers in the faith from back in the day. What inspirational words and deeds. This move my spirit greatly.
This is great information, All Praises to The Most high God. I'll be watching live stream and singing with Repentance. HalleluYAH 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾